/* This is comments */

Monday, January 05, 2004

Love, in its entirety is beautiful.

He whipped up a lovely meal in that peachy cheery kitchen of his; i watched him keenly, my amazement growing with time (oh Time that sprints its way through unknowingly each day i meet with him; one only wishes for eternity with such a special someone) Have i known of such a brilliance that not only confounds and intrigues, but captures my every emotive thought? ah not before him it seems: he's the gentlest and sweetest soul i've met with and he has me entirely in love with him. with Time, i fear more and more his departure in the months to come and the inevitable sadness that it would bring with it. But. "never say never" he says, and it is with this that i live in hope continually.

On a side note: i feel a little like Paul now; all of you who have read his blog will understand me -grin- but really, i know now what it feels like to be completely and entirely enthralled; it is no wonder that i should write like this day after day; my mind sees only him in my dreams and when i do meet him, its like a dream come true. =)